
The Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry grants SETGA, S.L.U. a subsidy for the implementation of an Equality Plan.

The Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry grants SETGA, S.L.U. a subsidy for the implementation of an Equality Plan.

The Company received a subsidy of €1,996.00 to carry out the first Phase of Implementation of its Equality Plan.

The Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry notified the Company SETGA, S.L.U. of the award of a subsidy for the implementation of CSR, Labour Equality and Work-Life Balance, through which a subsidy is granted to the Company within line II, for the Implementation of the Priority Measures of its Equality Plan.

This Subsidy, funded by the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry to comply with Agenda 20 for Employment of the Galician Regional Government, aims to achieve quality employment, in which the CSR business culture plays a fundamental role and will allow the Company to implement the measures included in their Equality Plan, and to adopt a series of actions aimed at achieving gender equality in terms of treatment and opportunities within the company, in order to eliminate any discrimination on the grounds of sex (amongst others, regarding access to employment, professional classification, promotion and training and remuneration)

SETGA believes firmly in the importance of CSR and considers that this measure is another step to achieve effective equality.

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