
The Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry grants SETGA, S.L.U. a subsidy for CSR certification in SA8000

The Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry grants SETGA, S.L.U. a subsidy for CSR certification in SA8000

The Company received a subsidy of €3,000.00 to help implement CSR in the business. (SGE21 SA 8000)

The Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry has notified the Company SETGA, S.L.U. of the award of a subsidy for the implementation of CSR, Labour Equality and Work-Life Balance, through which a subsidy is granted to the Company within Line I. CSR Certifications (TR357B). Subsidising the obtention of a certificate or report of verification or validation of codes of conduct, norms or standards regarding corporate social responsibility.

This Subsidy, which is funded by the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry to comply with what is included in the Agenda 20 for the Employment of the Galician Regional Government, aims to achieve quality employment, in which the CSR business culture plays a fundamental role and will allow the Company to implement corporate social responsibility, with the creation and development of a Social Responsibility Management System, in which SETGA Company Management commit to respect the criteria established in SA 8000, in line with the company principle of transparency and good governance, and with the principles, values ​​and guidelines of behaviour that the company treasures and deploys in each and every action related to its activity.

SETGA believes firmly in the importance of CSR and considers that this measure is another step to promote the development of equal employment policies and to promote the adoption of measures of co-responsibility and work-life balance in the company.

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